Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Big EveNt - may yet be revived

My current employer won't be needing me any more, which also means they also won't be able to limit my involvement in The Big EveNt any more.  I've mentioned this to a few folks and it looks like I may actually have some much needed planning help with pulling off such an event.

If you're at all interested in bringing back The Big EveNt to West Michigan, please let me know.  We're talking about a possible 2012 event, one that is broader than just Novell (which it has been moving towards this entire time), and we'd love some suggestions as to who to involve.  More importantly, we could use more volunteers!

GroupWise Problem 102 - Contact folders are out of sync

I was thinking it was just my environment.  After all, we're having odd issues with new user creations where the GroupWise database doesn't get created and the user isn't fully added to their groups.  I still think we're having an eDirectory sync issue, but this latest GroupWise issue has a couple of possible causes.

First, let me state that I started seeing this problem crop up with new user adds.  These are users with no personal address books as they haven't even logged in yet.  I'll get this message on the same GWCheck run day that I grab mailbox statistics and the fact that they have no quota is the key to them being a new account.

Second, this is cropping up for users whose GroupWise database actually gets created (not all of our new users' databases actually create).  I'm assuming there's some kind of syncing issue between the NetWare boxes that host the eDirectory replicas and our Linux boxes that host the various components of GroupWise.  Our GW domain sits on a Linux box with NSS volumes, our POs run on straight Linux boxes with EXT3 partitions.

Imagine my surprise when I *finally* found a TID related to this.  Check out Novell TID# 7005073 for possible resolutions.

Unfortunately for me, none of my affected users seem to have a "/" in their address books.  That doesn't mean there isn't one, just that no one's fessed up yet.  For all of my new users, this is apparently one of those "Reported to Engineering" issues that I simply have to wait for a fix on.  Or more correctly, that my current teammates will need to wait for a fix on as I won't be around here for much longer.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Job Hunt is On!!

For those of you who don't know yet, I was given word on October 29th that my position is being eliminated at the end of June.  Or I can leave at the end of January and get some severance.  I don't know which way I'll go yet, but I knew this was coming for some time so I'm okay with it and was ready with resumes and cover letters.  It's the right decision for work due to budget woes, and I'm excited about new opportunities and a change of pace.

The bad news is that another friend was told shortly after that that he'll no longer be needed after December 4th.  So my ears are open for all opportunities in the Grand Rapids/Lansing/Kalamazoo area for either one of us.

I hit most of my contact lists by Monday afternoon to give as many the news at once as possible.  My network has stepped up and is actively looking for me and passing on leads, introductions and extending offers.  I am most humbled at the outpouring of support and appreciate everything you all are doing to lend a hand.

You can post a note here or shoot me a note to wmnug at yahoo dot com.  If I hear of a spot that I don't quite fit, I'll post it here.

Just a reminder though...I can do more than Novell; it's just my preferred vendor.  :)