An all-around IT Professional with several decades of experience, my love for Novell technologies (because they simply just "run") is well known. I do not proclaim myself to be an expert at anything IT, as I've been around long enough to know that not everyone can know everything and that there will always be someone out there who knows of a different or better way to do something.
I've done everything from writing code for commercially available software, to customized in-house apps, to installing/fixing PC's, servers, and network infrastructure. My platforms go from Mainframes, to mini-computers, to PCs/Apples, to phones and now tablet devices...and pretty much anything inbetween. If it's tech related, I may have touched it at some time. Still does not make me an expert though.
I'm known for bringing massive quantities of Snickerdoodles to BrainShare and making session attendees laugh at GWAVACon. Currently, I work in health care, but I've worked in businesses in just about every vertical market including: IT consulting, health care, education, manufacturing, banking, finance, real estate, legal, retail, government, and insurance.
I use this blog as an informal, personal wiki. Mainly a place to stuff my knowledge and let other people find it if they need it. If it's useful to just one person besides myself, then I guess it's worth keeping around.
Nicknames I've been given through the years, by customers and friends alike, include: Doc, Miss Marry, M&M, and "Hey, cranky old broad"...all of which make me laugh.