Thursday, October 18, 2012

BrainShare 2012

Well, if you're not planning for it yet, you should get started on it.  Rooms tend to book fast.

At Novell's request (okay, Kim's request...might as well blame the "guilty" here), I now have a BrainShare page on my blog that is a compilation of all my tips from over the years.

Alas, do to a lackluster board WMNUG is not doing BrainShare Buddies this year, which may work out okay as it looks like I won't be making it to BrainShare this year either.  All travel has been put on hold by my employer, which includes BrainShare.

For those of you traveling from the MidWest, you might want to check out the train.  My buddy Rusty and I took the train out last year and had a wonderful trip.  Saw things we wouldn't normally see. Our standard line was "Look! Can't see that from the plane!".  It was really wonderful...much more leg room, no security pat-downs and all our luggage was accessible the entire trip.

If anyone else wants to take up the reigns of the old BrainShare Buddies program, give me a holler. I'll be happy to tell you how we've done it in the past.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Conference Reminder and Wow!

The wow is that I've got nearly 11,000 page views.  Amazing!

Now, a reminder of a local users group conference coming up in the MidWest:

Novell is sponsoring the Illinois Valley Network User's Association Fall Conference which is on October 17 in Utica, IL. This year's conference is on the topic of Mobile Device Management. I'll be
giving the keynote address in the morning and will be there all day to demo ZENworks Mobile Management.

This is a conference that's been going on for a long time now, and worth the trip if you're in any "nearby" state.  Nearby being a relative term for this native Californian.

Anyway, here's the link to get more info and/or register: