Tuesday, January 26, 2010

February 1st is coming!

For those of you as yet unaware, February 1st marks the date that Novell begins locking users out of accessing patches and updates for current product lines.  That is, or course, unless you have Maintenance on your agreement.

ALA customers, like my employer, are not affected (as far as we know).  At least we managed to keep the TIDs open.

For me, this means that our end-users can no longer go home and download the GroupWise client to use on their home machines (woo-hoo!!).  And, due to our license agreement, we cannot distribute the client in any way outside of our own network.  So, if I get my way, end users will be relegated to using WebAccess (which rocks!) or hauling their work-supplied laptops home if they "really, really, really" need the full client.

But really, who in their right mind needs a full working client of any email client to keep up with work email?  Perhaps I should qualify that a bit - that is anyone who's smart enough to keep their work email for work and have a separate account (such as gmail or ymail or Yahoo!) for their personal stuff.  Because our users DO and are ENCOURAGED to use their work accounts for everything, they want the full client and there will be some backlash, but I don't care.  I don't have to support them!  (BWAhahahaha)

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