Friday, July 1, 2011

A dash of humor

Note to self: Don't use your Android phone as a means of creating a blog post for here.  The auto correct is most annoying and requires that we log back in at a later date and fix it.

Ever had one of those days where your forehead begins to hurt from the self-inflicgted slaps to the head when having a D'oh moment?  My week's been kind of like that.  First, I allowed myself to be talked into a GroupWise upgrade and migration in the same day.  Which lead to the second error of forgetting to setup the NCPFS so the Linux-only server hosting the POA could chat appropriately with the OES server hosting the MTA and GWIA.  Third slap came from the "damn, I forgot to buy oil for the old truck" when realizing it needed not 1 but 2 quarts of oil.  Fourth and fifth slaps came later that night/wee morning hours when I realized I'd forgotten to register the codes for an OES box that I was rebuilding for the 2nd time to host WebAccess.  It was a long day.

Today I had another one when I realized that I had inadverenty missed renaming the database.zmg file for the the workstation image I was creating for a customer with a failing workstation hard drive and I've effectively overwritten our company's image database.  (Luckily for me we're small and only have 2 hardware-independent images).  Still, rough end to a long week.  I think I deserve a Jack & Pepsi tonight, too bad there's none in the house.

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