Tuesday, September 28, 2010

BlackBerry Devices - Good, Bad and HORRID!

Horrid piece first:  the Blackberry Storm 2 sucks!  Hate hate, HATE! the keyboard interface and SureType technology.  My poor co-workers had to put up with me muttering (none too quietly) under my breath about my intense desire to throw the idiot device across the room.  My hands and arms are still twitching from having to simply activate the damn thing.  It is the most horrendous piece of junk I've had my hands on yet and I've worked on a lot of junky prototypes in my time.

Bad piece: the new Curve device is so cheaply made (and is obviously coming out of China) that I dread the day I have to get rid of my Curve.  The latest Curves are about 1/2 the weight of my 8360 and feel like a kid's plastic play phone.  I don't think the replacement that I just activated will last long for the user in question as he's about as hard on his phones as I am on mine.  The worse part is he received a Curve as a replacement to his World Edition unit which is even more hardy and has a better keyboard than my Curve.  But when the main USB port fails, what can you do?

Good news - finally!  BlackBerry has announced their new PlayBook that we've been hearing rumors about for a few weeks now.  I prefer the name Richard Bliss came up with, but I guess RIM wasn't paying attention.  Either way, it looks pretty sweet, and may actually have a chance at giving the iPAD a run for Apple's money.  I'd like to get my hands on one, but I'm not holding my breath just yet.  I expect they won't be in any stores for a month or so, and that runs up against the holiday season and those that know me well know how much I 1) hate shopping in general and 2) really hate shopping during the holiday season.

Want to see more on the PlayBook?  Check it out here:


1 comment:

  1. I replaced my Curve with the Bold. It is very similar. I like the mini-track pad in place of the ball. Doesn't stick.
