Monday, May 2, 2011

Novell Re-org continues

We all heard that the executives - including Ron and John - were all gone last week.  Then Ken Muir was gone.  And the "pruning" continues...I just heard one of my favorite Novell Trainers is gone as well.  I'm beginning to think we'll be at a skeleton crew of people I know and I have to wonder if I have the energy to re-train an entire new set of exec's, PMs and engineering staff to understand the needs of my customers.

I feel a change in the force...the "dark side" is pulling harder.  Maybe I should reconsider my Linux cert paths and go after Red Hat after all...


  1. I would like to see a list of who is still working at Novell/

  2. Me too. I don't think they'll do a full list, but the new Execs have been named.
