Monday, February 15, 2010

WebAccess 8.0.1 and IE pain

I was happily humming along thing WebAccess was all hunky-dory...until the Help Desk got a call that someone was unable to open attachments in WebAccess.  Works fine in the client, but not WebAccess.  I immediately try to duplicate fine in FireFox, what's the issue.  Ah, turns out they were using IE...they don't what version.

Dutiful drudge that I am, I open up the dreaded, and justifibly hated, IE 8 and was able to replicate the issue.  Do a search, can't exactly find a TID that fit.  But I do run across a forum posting that leads me to TID # - dang I can't find the TID #...I'll come back and update that.

The error you'll see is  "Internet Explorer cannot download filename from  Internet Explorer was not able to find this internet site.  The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found.  Please try again later."

End result is this:

IE does not like having things cached.  Any updates to WebAccess pose the potential to overwrite the working webacc.cfg.   In my case someone had done something to the WebAccess agent via C1 and did a save, which overwrote the file. When that happens you need to change the configuration file.
  1. Gain console access to the server hosting the WebAccess application and agent
  2. Change directories to /var/opt/novell/groupwise/webaccess
  3. Use vi to edit the file webacc.cfg and change all instances of "disableCache" settings to "false"
  4. Restart tomcat and WebAccess
I really wish I could get more time in the OS and not be dealing with little things like this, but at least all of our components are now on Linux.  Yay!

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